What is #BowTieTuesday?

If you know me, then you know I have a love for coordination in fashion. If you know me even further, you know that I find immense personal satisfaction in disrupting pre-existing norms that, in my eyes, are outdated and in dire need of an upgrade. Now what pre-existing norm exists in the crosshairs of fashion and education, you ask?

I give you…the necktie. A piece of cloth that hangs from the neck that has for decades defined traditional businesswear. Throughout my time as a professional, I have come to one profound conclusion.

What is classier than a bowtie?

Nothing. Well maybe if you couple a bowtie with a cumberbund but then we’ll be speaking about classy on a whole different level. So thus the creation of #BowTieTuesday. A day in the week for educators and students to come together and engage in some good-natured fun instead of the stresses and demands that come along with education.

In addition, #BowTieTuesday for me has been a great way of bringing people together within my organization together and allowing me to connect with many people outside of my immediate circle.

That being said, every #BowTieTuesday I will recognize the efforts and hard work being done by educators both within and outside of my organization. The only catch is that I’ll need a photo of you wearing a bow-tie!

Thanks for reading and sharing!

Bow-Tie Joe