Stacy Saia (@SaiaStacy) | #BowTieTuesday

Published by Bow Tie Joe on

Introduction: Surprisingly enough, I can’t recall how I connected on a personal level with this week’s #BowTieTuesday Educator Spotlight. It sort of conceptualized organically and I’m beyond blessed that it did and to call her a very good friend at that. Her go-to attitude and ingenious professional development conceptions make her a no brainer when it comes to the spotlight! The Edu-Rock Star that I’ll be recognizing this week is none other than Ms. Stacy Saia (@SaiaStacy), a Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction back at my alma mater, Palmyra Public Schools.

Educational Pursuit: I take personal satisfaction in teasing Stacy about her vintage nature. She’s a seasoned veteran in the world of education, hurtling towards the two-decade mark! She began her career eons ago obtaining a Bachelors of Arts in Secondary Mathematics Education from TCNJ before moving on to obtain a Master’s in Education in Curriculum & Instruction from American Intercontinental University. Stacy’s route to education was an interesting one as well! She grew up playing school with her sister and it simply transitioned into their dream careers.

I hope you’re still playing Stacy. 🙂

Most Memorable Moment: Similar to spotlight’s in the past, Stacy made a comment regarding having to pick just one. Her favorite times with her students have been playing Survivor, probably recording it for Classroom Closeup because she had a lot of prior students come back to be a part of it.

As a Supervisor, her most memorable moments involve doing crazy shenanigans on large PD days, opening day game challenges, administrating Wheel of Fortune, PokemonGo, etc. She finds an immense amount of satisfaction watching teachers “go” at whatever the activity is, whether its competition, a huge gallery walk, or more simply, a chat of books, resources, and idea sharing. 

Personal Learning Interests: This summer Stacy became hooked on anything that she didn’t feel comfortable using yet which includes the following: Flipgrid, Adobe Spark, and everything else she learned about in the HiveSummit and DitchSummit this summer. Personally, she’d like to learn more about gamification, GoogleApps, and the EduProtocols because she feels that those ideas are what can best help her team this year.

The Fun Stuff

Stacy’s go-to Karaoke Song: Claiming only to do karaoke from the confines of her car, Stacy would opt for one of the following depending on her mood: Gloria Gaynor’s “I Will Survive,” Journey’s “Any Way You Want It,” Twisted Sister’s “We’re Not Gonna Take It” or Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody”.

Stacy’s Inside Scoop: While she was initially hesitant to spill the good stuff, she eventually caved in and shared with me that despite being referred to as “prom shoes,” she’s a proud piney and a tomboy. If you’ve never had the chance to visit her office, you also wouldn’t know that she is a massive comic/toy nerd who knows entirely too much about superheroes, Star Wars, and comic books to be taken seriously.

Thank you, Stacy, for your heartfelt efforts to improve education each and every day you step foot inside a classroom. Your contributions to my professional learning network have been invaluable and I am grateful for our consistent banter supporting each other in all of our endeavors. I truly appreciate all that you do to keep moving education forward (and me too!).

Thanks for reading and sharing!

Bow-Tie Joe

Bow Tie Joe

Bow-Tie Connoisseur | Mathematics Educator | Soccer Coach | Lifelong Learner | #FlippedLearning Enthusiast | Doctoral Student